IVA’s & Debt Solutions

You may have completed your IVA, currently be in an IVA or entered into an Debt Management arrangement, whatever your circumstances we can help find the solution for you.

If you have suffered from debt problems in the past and entered into an IVA or Debt Solutions, you may also have defaults or County Court Judgements (CCJs) registered against you. Particularly in the current climate this can make it much more difficult to obtain a mortgage and applying to many different lenders can make it even harder! Our experience in dealing with this scenario, together with the arrangements we have with a number of recognised lenders, means that we can often help people whose circumstances have changed to put their bad credit history behind them.

If you have equity in your property and are currently in an IVA it may be possible to release the equity in your property early in order to offer a ‘Full and Final’ settlement to your creditors. We are experts in this area and have specialist arrangements with lenders for this very purpose.

We also have similar solutions for people who are, or have been, in a Debt Management Plan.

Why not get answers from experts, you can call us free on 0800 594 5904 and we will handle your enquiry in a discreet and confidential manner.

Whatever your circumstances you could benefit from the help of a mortgage broker to get your mortgage, re-mortgage or home-owner loan sorted.
WARNING: Late payments can cause you serious money problems, for help go to moneyadviceservice.org.uk

Contact us today, free on 0800 594 5904 to talk to an experienced adviser. Alternatively you can enquire online using our mortgage/loan enquiry or email us by clicking the box opposite.